Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bagenders 22 - Bagenders’ Tribute to Tolkien’s Eleventy First Birthday

Bagenders’ Tribute to Tolkien’s Eleventy First Birthday
3rd of January 2003

We’ve borrowed Tolkien’s characters and taken a trip to the epic past that the ‘Bagenders’ Fellowship has lived through... but it’s not quite how you’d expect...

Note: to get this out in time we’ve had to leave it un-beta’d, so e-mail us any mistakes and they will be corrected.


Come our readers, fly through the mists of time, to before the age of iron, when Mycenae was great and heroes walked the earth. Fly past the Pillars of Hercules, over the wine dark sea, over the land of Agamemnon and Menelaus, to a sea-fringed dusky plain. Sing, Muse, of the sights here to behold. Sing of the great citadel atop the hill, home of the brave Trojans. Sing of those heroes encamped before the fortress, the Achaean Hellenes. Sing as one proud and noble warrior, king among men, comes forth to parley.


At the battlements a face appeared, one beloved of Aphrodite, one that had launched about 10 medium sized ships of the Danaans to avenge her loss.


"Please come home. You've been here ages, please? Haven't I always tried to give you everything? I spend half my time off pillaging for your sake and you go off with another man behind my back! What has he got that I haven't? "

"Personality, that's what! He doesn't bugger off pillaging all the time! And he's better in bed!"

Such words goaded bold Aragorn to launch himself at the fortress, though he had not yet buckled on his shining armour and taken up his sword and great shield. Wily Odysseus and brave Achilles, seeing his folly, leapt up and took him back to their camp by the black ships.

"What did you try and do that for you stupid bugger?" spake cunning Odysseus "What exactly were you trying to achieve?"

"The little whore! Why did I marry her?"

"I've often asked myself that. Well, what are we going to do?"

Achilles’ brows knotted in concentration. "We get the lads together and we rush the gates."

Odysseus gave him a withering look. "We keep doing that and we keep failing. We've done loads of sacrifices and nothing. I mean, how long have we been here, rushing the gates, not getting anywhere and coming back here again?"

"Dunno. Ages. Feels like we've been here ten years."

Odysseus agreed. "Yeah. And I for one want to get back to the wife."

Aragorn was still sulking. "Well, at least you've got a wife. And there's no chance of her being unfaithful to you while you're away."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ummmm, nothing, nothing, just that she is a shining example of chaste womanhood."

"And nothing to do with you previous drunken comment that she has, and I quote, 'a face like a Sphinx's backside'?"

Achilles was deep in thought. "Perhaps... perhaps we could attack at night time?"

Odysseus looked at Achilles, who would face many dangers willingly, but not usually intelligently. "And do you remember what happened last time? You getting disorientated and massacring that sacred grove of trees outside the city? Athena was bloody pissed off. I for one do not want another plague of enraged owls, thank you."

Aragorn seemed confused. “I thought they were eagles.”

“Eagles, owls, who cares? It was the enraged part, and the sharp beaks and claws part that was the problem.”

The High Priest of Zeus appeared, clothed in robes of white with suspiciously long, trailing sleeves.

“Morning, Frodo”

“The light comes from the east, but does not descend there, for the eye sees what mere mortals cannot.”

The warriors looked at the other short man who was leading Frodo on a piece of rope. They didn’t know how to interpret the auspices, and seemed rather hopeful that this might actually be something helpful.

“No, that’s not a prophecy, he means ‘good morning’ too.”

“Ah, then I think we’ll skip the ‘how are you then’ part of the conversation.”

“The goats and trees of the field have no use for flame, the great one provides all.”

“He says he’s fine, thank you.”

“Samwise,” said Odysseus, “what can you interpret from the flights of birds for us?”

“I see birds of prey, and birds of carrion all flying towards one point; a donkey’s just died outside the west gate, I think.”

“No other helpful, mystic things going on?”

“Not unless there’s something particularly mystic about a dead donkey, no.”

“You could go and read its entrails...?”

“After it’s been crapped on by a load of carrion crows? No, thank you. I’ll do you a goat if you want, but it’s been ill and I don’t think it’ll be much use.”

“The black ones are servants of him, from Dunland! Crebain! Crebain!”

“Yes, umm, if you’ll excuse me, I think it’s time for the High Priest’s nap.”

Achilles was quite frankly fed up with this, and said so. “Bloody stupid gods...”

Odysseus tackled Achilles to the ground, so the thunderbolt struck down a couple of inches away from him.

“What the hell did you do that for? You know they don’t like it! You’ll have to apologise now. And you’d probably better look for a better sacrifice than one ill goat.”


Time passed. In the camp of the Achaean Hellenes armour was polished. Swords were sharpened. Then sharpened again. Finally they were sharpened to the point that they were so thin as to be useless, so new swords were forged.

Arwen and her new father in law became engaged in a battle of the colour schemes of the Great Palace of Troy. Priam, Arwen’s father in law favoured big bold primary colours, illustrated with pictures of bulls, while Arwen wanted pastels and pictures of flowers. Paris, Arwen’s replacement for Aragorn tried to stay out of this by retiring to the courtyard to work on his one-man racing chariot.

In the midst of all this dullness a sail appeared on the horizon. Then the sail disappeared. Then it reappeared, a little closer inland. Then it disappeared. This went on for some time, the sail becoming closer on each appearance. People gathered along the beach to watch. As it neared the shore the sounds of voices and cursing could be heard.

“This was a bloody stupid idea.”

“You didnae say that when we had to carry it across that isthm - isthimmy- isthumum- strip of land thingy.”

Then the pair came ashore, dragging a most bizarre boat behind them. Odysseus came forward to greet them. Heavily armed.

“Who the sod are you? And what are you doing here?”

“Who are we? Umm, well, who are you?”

“We are Achaean Hellenes, warriors of proud descent.”

“Well, that’s us too. Apart from the proud descent bit.”

“Hey, Merry, speak for yourself. Ah’m the Thain.”

“No, you were the Thain. Of somewhere that dun’t exist any more. And you were the first and only Thain to be impeached.”

Odysseus was worried. “Achilles, go get Aragorn, would you? I’m having trouble deciding how I’m going to kill these two.”

“Stop there. We are mighty warriors, for hire at very reasonable rates. Well, I’m a mighty warrior, Pippin ‘ere gets sat on.”

“Just you come here and say that, pal.”

With that the two short men set about each other with fists, teeth and anything else handy.

Aragorn ambled up.

“Ah, Aragorn, we appear to be being visited by a pair of comedy eunuchs.”

This was enough to stop the two men fighting.

“Eunuchs? No, no, no, no, no, no. no. No.”

“No. Very no. Do you want proof?”


This was not fast enough to stop Merry and Pippin demonstrating the fact that they were indeed 100% hobbit. Achilles went very pale and had to sit down.

Frodo was led in on his leash to see what all the fuss was about. Then he ran forwards and hugged Merry and Pippin.

“The sideways owl hoots thrice!”

Sam joined in the hug, and helpfully supplied, “We’re both very pleased to see you.”

“Could someone please explain to me what is going on?” Odysseus had his arms folding in a way that indicated that someone was going to get a kicking if he didn’t get some answers.

“Oh, sorry, they’re Frodo’s cousins. They’re... ummm... disinherited nobles. Soldiers, traders and pillagers.”

“Sometimes all at once,” added Pippin, “ an’ we can do despoiling of virgins at no extra cost.”

“So basically they’re a pair of wastrels?”

“Oh, yes.”

“How do we get rid of them?”


“No, I meant by what method.”

“If we knew that we wouldn’t be so far from home.”

“What do they have to do with Arwen going off with Paris?”



“The mallorn spreads its boughs most wide!” Frodo was pointing at the boat, jumping up and down and looking excited.

“What, that? It’s a collapsible boat, for carrying about the place. Problem is, it collapses when you don’t want it to.”

“A collapsible boat. Of course. Why hasn’t anyone else thought of that? Oh, I know, because it’s the most stupid idea in the whole world.”

“No, just you wait, a few centuries and everyone’ll have one.”


A few days later all was as normal. A couple of men had come out from Troy, there had been a derisory swordfight, with all parties becoming bored and wandering off before actually doing each other any damage. Merry and Pippin had failed in their attempts to sell anything or seduce anyone.

Then suddenly, as he was being led for his morning walk, Frodo stopped, threw his arms out and proclaimed, “the gods do not grant victory for you have neglected them; you must offer sacrifice!”

There was a moment’s silence then the whole camp gathered round him.

“Was that actually coherent?”

“I think so.”

“There isn’t anything else that sounds like ‘sacrifice’ is there?”

“Don’t think so.”

Aragorn looked doubtfully at Frodo. “How much should we sacrifice?”

"A hecatomb!”

“What? How much?”

Frodo started bouncing up and down and repeating “hecatomb! hecatomb! hecatomb! hecatombhecatombhecatombhecatombhecatomb!”

“Samwise... is that a prophecy, or does he just like the sound of the word?”

“Hard to tell. Probably best to go with the hecatomb just to be on the safe side.”

Achilles was a bit slower on the uptake, “but how do you sacrifice a tomb? I mean, you can’t exactly kill it.”

Odysseus gave him a patient primary school teacher look. “A hecatomb means a sacrifice of a hundred oxen.”

“Oh. Sorry. But we don’t have a hundred oxen. I’d have noticed them.”


Frodo was ignored.

Sam chimed in, “Achilles is right. We’ve been living off salt meat for a while now, we’ve only got three chickens and a goat.”

“What about them?”

“No chickens and no goat means no milk and eggs, and no milk and eggs means no pancakes.”

“Well bugger that. What are we going to do?”


Merry and Pippin sidled into the centre of the circle, accompanied by little squeaks of ‘hecatomb!’.

“We, as purveyors of strange and expensive things that can only be got from far away, can provide you with one hundred oxen. For a price.”

“What price?”

“Oh, to be negotiated. We accept all major metals.”

So it was that Merry and Pippin were waved off in their collapsible boat.

“Do you think we’ll ever see them again?”

“No, but we didn’t give them a deposit on the oxen, so it doesn’t matter that much.”


Time passed. Boredom itself became boring. And then a sail appeared on the horizon. this time it moved with purpose, and as it neared shore the sounds of a number of male voices singing ‘row, row, row your boat’ in a round could be heard.

The boat was beached and the occupants leapt onto dry land. Their apparent leader (although none of them seemed to be of an age where shaving was an issue) turned to them and yelled, “this is a leg stretching and food stop only, lads, so no wandering off or starting fights, ok?”

The young man then turned to Odysseus and Achilles, who’d come over to see what was going on.

“Hi! I’m Jason, and the lads are my Argonauts, cos the ship’s call the Argo. Look, we’ve all got matching tunics and everything.”

Odysseus was not sure what to make of him. “Oh. Very nice. Ummm, well, I’m Odysseus, King of Ithaca, this is Achilles, King of Phthia (don’t worry if you can’t pronounce it, neither can he), and there’s Aragorn, King of Mycenae about somewhere.”

“Wow! You must be on a really, really important quest.”

“No, Aragorn’s wife’s gone off with another man.”

“Oh.” Jason seemed incredibly disappointed.

Since he looked like he was going to cry Achilles tried to fill in, “but we do fighting, and sometimes the gods get wrathful.”


Odysseus took his cue from Achilles. “Yes, sometimes wrathful and vengeful on the same day.”

“That sounds so cool.” Jason seemed to remember something. “Oh, yeah, um, we kind of stopped cos we need food, could you sell us some? There’s nothing left on the boat except pickled olives, and that’s only cos Appolonius’ mum’s really bad with olives.”

“If you’re out of food then what are you going to use to buy things off us with?”

“Oh. Um, give us a sec, need to talk to the lads.” Jason dashed off to where the other Argonauts were gathered.

Another figure left the boat. This one was more purposeful, and seemed much older. And had pointy ears.

“Greetings. I am Legolas, Prince of Mirkwoodae. Wherefore is there such a gathering of warriors upon this shore?”

“You can lose the mighty warrior speech, we’re not really looking for a fight.”

“Sorry. Why are you here, then?”

“King Aragorn’s wife-”

“King who?”

“Aragorn of Mycenae.”

“Um, where is he?”

“Should be round here somewhere. He might have gone to throw things at the walls again.”

There was a hairy blur. Frodo had slipped his leash again, and was being chased by Sam. Going past them he made a sudden change of direction and wrapped himself around Legolas’ leg.

“What is this?”

“Our High Priest.”

“Oh.” Legolas examined the thing attached to his leg. “Frodo?”

At this point Sam caught up with his errant charge.

“Long are the winding ways of rivers in the north.”

“Frodo says hello, and asks what you’ve been doing since he saw you last.”

Aragorn finally turned up to see what all the fuss was about, at the same point that Jason finished his discussions with his crew, and returned, dragging two very reluctant Argonauts with him.

“Me and the lads drew straws, and in return for provisions these two here will gratify your every sexual need.”

Legolas turned sternly to Jason. “This is what you always do Jason! You need something, and your first response is to sell an Argonaut into prostitution; you never think of pillaging or trading, do you? Always looking for the easy way out, aren’t you? What happened to teamwork? What happened to matching tunics?”

Jason looked at the ground. “Verysorry, won’thappenagain.”

One Argonaut who had just missed being sold into prostitution breathed a sigh of relief, but then made the logical deduction. “But then how are we going to get food? I’m not touching those olives.”

Legolas looked at Aragorn. “Oh, I think we can get provisions here. The King of Mycenae owes me hospitality. Lots of hospitality. And hasn’t returned that bow I lent him.”

Jason brightened considerably. “That’s good, cos me and the lads are starving. What’s for dinner?”


“Oh, wow, my favourite! Don’t suppose you’ve got any salt meat to go with them?”

“Well, now you come to mention it...”


The next morning, after a hearty breakfast of salt meat pancakes, Legolas was explaining to Aragorn how he had come to be babysitting the Argonauts.

“I promised his mother I’d look after him. It wasn’t so bad at first, after his throne was taken, since it was just hanging round round the countryside making sure he wasn’t savaged by goats. Then, of course, he goes and annoys the king (who I think was really a bit touchy about him turning up with only one sandal on, but you know how court etiquette is), who sends him off on a quest to find the golden teeth.”

“Pardon? Golden teeth? Teeth of what?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t catch most of what he said, the acoustics in that hall were atrocious.”

“They all look a bit young.”

“They can hardly tell one end of a sword from the other. They need some practice, they’re going to be facing some pretty nasty monsters.”

“They can get some battle practice here.”

“Seems really rather quiet. All I’ve seen either side do is wave their swords at each other and go ‘arrg’ a bit.”

“That’s not fair. They sometimes throw rocks at each other.”

“They’re more pebbles than rocks.”

“We’ve been here a long time.”

“Could you, you know, goad them a bit?”

“Isn’t that what you do to horses-” Aragorn instinctively crossed his legs.

“No, that’s gelding. I meant, go and annoy them until they come out and fight.”

“Oh. What’s the most insulting thing we could call Arwen?”


Aragorn thought for a moment. “Yep, that’s the one.” He stood up turned in the direction of the walls and took a deep breath. Then he stopped. “You know, it might be a good idea to have everyone in battle formation before we do this.”

Legolas nodded. They rounded up all the men, got their armour on, got out their chariots, explained to the Argonauts the basic principles of spear throwing and lined up in battle order. Only then did Aragorn step forward and address the walls of Troy thusly:




There was an incoherent noise of rage from inside the walls, which encouraged Legolas to join in.


There was the sound of breaking vases, and a female voice calling the Trojans to arms. Since they’d all learned who really wore the trousers (or rather who wore the armour and the butch leather miniskirt) in the city, the army obeyed.


They gathered after the battle, for the traditional post-match analysis.

“So Legolas, how many Argonauts have you got left? One? Two?”

“All of them, actually.”

“Really? You must have some god looking out for you, I mean Frodo could have taken them down. Injuries?”

“None caused by the enemy. Megapenthes managed to stab himself in the foot with his own spear, and Peisistratus accidentally walloped Laertes over the back of the head with his shield, but apart from that everyone’s fine.”


A few days later, while the Argonauts were still honing their battle skills (stick *pointy* end of sword into enemy), another ship arrived. It beached itself without them seeing any sign of the crew. They approached the boat warily.

“Aren’t those hieroglyphs on the side?”

Legolas stepped forwards to read them. “Teti’s Reliable Boat Hire, Memphis. ‘You won’t be sunk by our prices!’”

“Reliable! Ah do not call this reliable!” Pippin appeared over the side of the boat. “The collapsible one was more seaworthy.”

“That would be because, unless I’m very much mistaken, this is a river barge and is not meant to go to sea.”

“Oooh, and it’s very nice to see you too, Legolas.” sarcasm dripped from Pippin. Water also dripped from Pippin, and from Merry who climbed out of the boat after him.

“I would say the same, but I really can’t be bothered to lie.”

“Where are our hundred oxen then? We’ve had another battle, with reinforcements while you were gone and we still haven’t got any further.”

“Just let us get unloaded.”

The holds were opened, and ramps were put up to get the animals out of the hold. Those who were not engaged in unloading were looking for firewood and sharpening knives. Aragorn, Legolas, Odysseus, Achilles, and Jason took supervisory roles, i.e. watching everyone else work. This is what the aristocracy are there for.

The oxen began to be led down the ramps. They were a bit old and scrawny, but everyone was too polite to say anything. Then the fourth ox appeared. It was given a long hard stare by the supervisory committee.

It was Jason who first spoke up, “ummm, I’ve spent a long time in the countryside. That’s a goat. Ok, so it’s a shaved and painted goat, but it’s still a goat, and if I notice then the gods’ll probably notice too.”

“Perhaps they just brought us a goat as well?”

Everyone looked at Achilles. They did not share his optimism.

“Let’s at least see what else they’ve brought.”

There were three more oxen that looked suspiciously like goats. Then four oxen that looked suspiciously like sheep. Then there was the crocodile.

“Ok, the sheep and the goats were vaguely plausible. That is most emphatically not an ox. It’s a crocodile.”

“We know it’s a crocodile. It’s not our fault, bloody things get everywhere, it’s dangerous to go to the privy in the morning.”

The crocodile looked unhappy. The various ‘oxen’ looked worried and backed away. The Argonauts (apart from Jason, who was learning the art of command from Legolas) tried to herd the crocodile towards the sacrificial altar.

“Here croccy, croccy, croccy. Nice crocodile... gaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

It made a few snaps at them, but their reflexes were getting better. They went and found their spears (on the principle that this meant that they didn’t have to get closer than six feet away from the crocodile) and herded it away. The supervisors left them to it, and watched the continued unloading of the ship.

“That’s not a ox either. It’s a painted donkey.”

“Ok, ok, so some of them aren’t actually oxen, but wait to see what I’ve got to show you next.” Pippin pulled something small and squirming out of a sack. “It’s the latest thing for the hero on the move. The portable, dwarf ox, for easy and speedy propitiation of the gods.”

“Pippin, that’s a cat.”

“No it’s not! Look, it’s got horns!”

“They’re made out of papyrus-mache.”

“It’s an ox!”

“Going ‘miaow’? With claws?”

“Well, you can’t expect such a wee thing to make that big deep ‘moo’ noise. And the claws are... are... so you can attach it to things. Very useful.”

“It’s a cat.”


“Pippin. Tell me, how many more of the oxen for the sacrifice are special dwarf oxen?”

“Um, all of them.”

“Now, this is what puzzles me. Egypt is an agricultural country where the cat is sacred. Therefore, it must have been significantly more difficult, not to mention expensive, for you to acquire eighty-seven cats.”

“Well, that’s the other thing. We didn’t quite get the full hundred.”

“How many?”


“Wait a minute, that cat’s wearing a collar.” Legolas squinted at it. “Temple cats. You have pinched thirty-two sacred temple cats. Do you never want to go back to Egypt?”

“We didn’t pinch them, they were having a clear out at the temple, replacing them all.”

“Pippin, I’ve been to Egypt.”

“Oh. Did you buy cats from a temple clearout too?”

“I’m not going to dignify that with an answer. Just take the horns off them and let them loose.”

“But what about the sacrifice?”

“Has it occurred to you that killing a sacred animal might be a really stupid idea?”

“But they’re not our gods...”

“All the more reason not to annoy them. And the last time I checked all the gods had disowned you.”

The conversation was abruptly interrupted by a noise.

“Sssssssssqqqqqqqqqeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeip! Gahaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! Mnnnnnnnnneaaargh!”

They all ran to the source of the noise, to find Frodo backed into a corner by the crocodile, screaming, with his hands over his eyes so he couldn’t see it. By combined effort the others all managed to herd the crocodile into the river, where it swam off.

“I suppose we’ll just have to sacrifice what we’ve got then.”

The sacrifice was duly arranged. Achilles took charge, since as Frodo was making squeaking noises and repeatedly saying ‘the lamentable wasps!’, it was felt that giving him a knife would be very silly.

“Oh mighty gods, please accept this sacrifice of three oxen, four sheep, three goats,” since it had been decided to keep a goat back so they could try and make cheese, “and this duck I managed to catch...”

“Lamentable wasps!”


“No, no, no, it’s like this.” Legolas took several dainty elvish steps forward.

Jason tried to copy and tripped over his sandal fastenings.

“That was nearly right, just more hips.”

“Are you sure this makes me look kingly?”

“Of course it does, all the members of the royal family where I come from walk like this.”

“That’s not a royal walk, that’s a royal mince.” Legolas looked round to see Aragorn watching them.

“Alright then, lets see how you would do it.”

Aragorn demonstrated, doing what might have been called an uncanny impression of John Wayne, if it wasn’t for the fact that he wouldn’t be born for another few thousand years.

“That’s not a royal walk, that’s an I’ve-just-suffered-an-unpleasant-groin-injury walk.”

Legolas could see the wheels turning in Aragorn’s brain as he tried to think of a witty comeback including the word balls. Eventually he gave in. “That’s how we walk in Mycenae; real men come from Mycenae.”

“Ah, Mycenae, where the men are real men, even when they’re women.”

Before Aragorn could work out this insult, Odysseus and Achilles arrived. “What’s this then?”

“We’re teaching Jason how to do a regal walk.”

“You mean like this?” Odysseus slunk. There was no real other word for the strange diagonal movement which seemed to go from one patch of cover to another patch of cover and seemed to be semi-invisible even in broad daylight.

“Don’t pay attention to him, he’s from Ithaca.”

“Meaning what? If you’re about to make a comment about goats you’re a dead man.”

“No, it’s hilly there, you’ve got one leg longer than the other, so of course you walk funny.”

“I do not have one leg longer than the other.”

“Yes you do, lie down. See, one leg longer than the other.”

“I suppose it would make sense, my dad’s got one leg shorter than the other.”

“Really, I wonder why you ended up with one leg longer then.”

“The gods work in mysterious ways,” said Legolas in a voice that brought words like ‘long-suffering’ to mind.

“I’ll show you a real royal walk from Pht- pth- pfffft... I’ll show you how the sons of Peleus walk!” Achilles stomped forward raising clouds of dust and cries of ‘earthquake!” from inside the city. Then he fell over and began fighting a rock which had looked at him in a funny way.

“I think I’ll stick to my own royal walk.”

“Probably the best idea. Just cut out the hoppity-skip part, and the whistling and you should be fine.”


The next day the Argonauts left. There was much manly hugging, and some unmanly hugging from Frodo. All the flames involved in sacrifice had lessened his grip on reality again and he was reduced to incoherent gibbering. Merry and Pippin helped to subdue Frodo to stop him from following them because after ascertaining that these were probably really quite large golden teeth they had decided that the Argonauts could benefit from their trading and battle experience, so were accompanying them free of charge, much to the annoyance of Legolas. But then Legolas hadn’t been consulted on the matter because as soon as Jason had found out that Merry and Pippin could teach him how to seduce foreign women he wasn’t interested in listening to Legolas’ advice.

There was an exchange of gifts.

“Oh. Aragorn. Thank you for giving back the bow, I hope you’ve kept it in good order.”

“Ummm, yes, of course I have. Yes.”

The Argonauts were kitted out in everybody else’s cast off weaponry. There were the usual comments of ‘don’t worry, you’ll grow into it’, and ‘oh, don’t you look all grown up in full combat armour?’. This was in defiance of all normal logic, however, because there is nothing at all grown up about a leather miniskirt that comes down to your knees.

When it came to the Argonauts turn to give gifts Jason looked a little embarrassed. “We don’t have anything on the ship to give you except for these olives. They’re not very good, but they’re in a nice amphora and you could try throwing the actual olives over the wall of the city, it’d really annoy them.”

They watched the sail disappear over the horizon, waving to it as it went. Then they watched it reappear again.

“I wonder what they’ve forgotten.”

“Actually, I don’t think that’s the same ship.”

“Why not?”

“Because unless they’ve sewn silhouettes of naked women on to the sail very quickly, it’s not them. I don’t think they even know how to sew.”

They went down to the beach to meet the new ship. Oddly, its entire crew appeared to be female. They waved, in a way that immediately put everyone in mind of the word ‘nubile’, except for Achilles, who didn’t know what nubile meant, but was going ‘whhhoarrhh’ which probably meant something similar.

A ramp was lowered and a well-groomed elderly gentleman dressed in white robes and carrying a staff stepped off the ship.

“Hello, I’m Gandalf the White, oracle for hire, and these” he indicated the very impractically dressed young women, “are my priestesses. My clay tablet.”

A small rectangular piece of stone found its way into Achilles’ hand. He passed it Odysseus, who read it. “‘Gandalf the White. Communing with the gods for 17 generations. We’ll find the right deity for you. Best rates outside of Siwah. First Time Adventurer and group discount available on request (proof of quest required).’ I’m sorry, but we’ve already got an oracle.”

Aragorn turned to Odysseus. “I think our oracle might be, um... broken. Gandalf, could we have a word, please. In private.”

By the end of the morning Aragorn had managed to negotiate First Time Adventurer discount, group discount and My Isn’t That a Big Sword discount. Gandalf was hired as their new oracle at a fee of 10% of any divine providence received. He started well, praying that the god would cause the goats and chickens to produce milk and eggs and was not disappointed. Achilles was most impressed.


In the great hall of the Palace of Troy the city’s rulers were in council.

“So if there no one has any more remarks to add about the amendments to article 17b part 2 of the slavery laws, we’ll move on to the next item on the agenda. What are we going to do about the siege?”

The members of the council looked at each other nervously. They all knew what they had to do to end the siege, but weren’t terribly keen to offer suggestions as Arwen was standing over king Priam’s shoulder glaring at them.

However, Aeneas, who was basically a spare royal standing on the fine line between ‘brave’ and ‘stupid’ decided to speak up. “Um... maybe we could, you know... give her back?”

Arwen smiled sweetly and kicked Paris, who woke up with a start. “What are you all doing in my bedroom? Oh. Right.” A lackey whispered something in his ear. “Okay. But she’s, like, my wife. So, so, she’s like mine. You can’t give her back, just like you can’t give my racing chariot back. Okay?”

Arwen smiled again. Hecuba, Priam’s wife, spoke urgently into his ear. Priam stood up and addressed the council. “Yes. I agree wholeheartedly with Paris.” Then he whispered “I do, don’t I dear?” Hecuba nodded supportively.

Aeneas, who was never one to give up on an idea once one had formed spoke up again. “But we can’t go out looting and pillaging. We’re stuck here in the city living off salt meat pancakes and it wouldn’t be so bad, but we ran out of chutney last week. When they had that sacrifice the entire city was standing on the battlements breathing in deeply. And does anyone know why there’s a crocodile in the palace privy, because I’m pretty sure that sort of thing never happened before the siege. I think we have to face it that the gods might be on their side.”

Arwen whispered to Paris. “I haven’t, like, seen any crocodiles in the privy. Anyway, what’s a crocodile?”

“They’re big scaly green things that come from Egypt.”

“Big scaly green things? You’re making it up, there’s nothing alive that looks like that.”

Hecuba whispered to her husband again. “Perhaps the big, green scaly non-existent thing is a, what was it dear? Oh yes, a vision from the gods.”

“A vision which tells us that we should get rid of the siege?”

There was more whispering. “No, a vision which says that you are ill-favoured by the gods and we don’t want people like that in the city because they’re unlucky. So if you leave then the siege should follow you.” Priam sat down again looking exhausted by his wife’s mental effort.

“But surely we should consult the oracles.”

“Are you, like, questioning my father’s judgement?”

“No, of course I wasn’t, I was just suggesting-”

“No you weren’t, you were just leaving.”

Aeneas knew when he was defeated, so packed up his belongings and his family and prepared to leave the city. He hoisted his son on to his shoulders, took his father by the hand and shouted to his wife “Creusa! We’re leaving, pick up that luggage and start moving!”


“We’ve got to go.”

“Why? What’ve you done?”

“I saw a crocodile in the privy and now I’ve been exiled. It’s a long story, I’ll explain it on the way.”


“See, Gandalf, the ducks fly over the city, what does this mean?”

Gandalf produced a bow and arrow. “Roast duck for dinner.”

Odysseus decided it was time for a little chat with Aragorn. “Are you sure taking on this new oracle was a good idea?”

“Gandalf? Of course, he really knows his job.”

“You mean he’s good at sitting around eating 10% of our food and getting massages from his priestesses?”

“Well, that too, but he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to omens and signs.” They watched as Gandalf wandered away, probably in search of something he could make wine from.

“We haven’t exactly seen much evidence of this yet. I have tried to use trickery to find out whether or not he is speaking the truth, but his predictions are even more complicated than Frodo’s. I think he was right, but then there aren’t any reciprocating beehives around here, so it must have been some sort of metaphor.”

“He did manage to sort out that plague of frogs.”

“Plague of frog. Singular. There was only the one.”

“It was annoying though.”

Achilles pointed towards the city gates. “Look! People are emerging from the city. Can we go and fight them?”

“They don’t really look like warriors.”

“The big guy looks like a warrior, but he also looks like the small child on his shoulders has been sick on him and I don’t want to get too close in case it throws up again.”

As the warrior and three associated person approached they could clearly hear one of them complaining.

“Take me back, I don’t want to go. It’s bingo night at the over 60’s symposium. Take me back.”

Aeneas ignored his father and called out to the assembled warriors. “I have been exiled from Troy, will you grant us safe passage through your lines?”

“What were you exiled for?”

“I don’t want to go into it, but I have been commanded by the gods to go... somewhere.”

“Somewhere that isn’t the privy in the palace.”

“Shut up, Creusa, I’m trying to negotiate.”

“Did someone mention a command from the gods? Here’s my clay tablet.”

Aeneas looked at the tablet. “Sorry, but I’m not really interested, I haven’t got any money.”

“Then I’ll give you a free sample and if you happen to find some money in the future, you’ll know what you’re getting.” Gandalf cleared his throat and made the appropriate dramatic arm gesture. “You shall found a city upon a river crossing with a strong citadel upon a hill and a reliable water supply.”

“That’s a prophecy then, is it?”

“No, that’s just sensible town planning. This is the prophecy.” Gandalf made another dramatic arm gesture. “The name of this city shall echo down the ages of men, wherever warriors gather to speak of glory and honour its name shall be heard. And its name shall be... Gandalf!”

“Um... thanks, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind when I’m planning a new settlement.”

Aeneas and his family trudged off into the sunset.

“Do you think I should have warned him not to build the city on a malarial swamp?”

“No, that’s just common sense, he should be able to work that one out for himself.”


“I’ve have a cunning plan, Aragorn.”

“Yes? How cunning?”

“About as cunning as... Look, they call me wily Odysseus, not Odysseus who’s good at similes. It’s very cunning.”

“So what do you suggest we do?”

“Well, everyone knows that Paris is a complete layabout and never does anything around the house, right?”


“And how many times do you think he’s given her flowers in all the time that she’s been there?”

“Probably not even once.”

“So all you have to do is make her something really nice and put a bunch of flowers on top and leave it outside the front door late at night. Next morning she’ll pack her bags and come straight back to you. Oh, and some honey sweetmeats too, women really like them.”

"Great, I’ll get started.”


Two days later Odysseus, Achilles and Gandalf gathered to look at what Aragorn had made. It was approximately two feet high and appeared to be entirely constructed from splinters.

“That’s very, um, nice.”

“Yes, what exactly is it?”

“It’s a toast rack.” Aragorn beamed with pride.

“Of course. Does Arwen eat a lot of toast?”


“Does she even like toast?”

“Don’t know.”

“Well, I’m sure she’d appreciate the effort, but this has to be something really good, because it won’t work if she’s not impressed. I think we’re going to have to call in a professional and just pretend that you made it.”

“Isn’t that cheating?”

"Yes, but at the moment Arwen’s cheating on you, so just think of it as getting even.”

“Okay. But where are we going to find a craftsman, apart from the ones in the city, because I don’t think they’ll want to come out here what with there being a war and everything.”

“It’s not like you’d notice the war. We just won’t tell them.”


A mission had been sent to look for a skilled craftsman. Some time later, the ship returned, bearing dwarf.

“Och, I’m Gimli, warrior for hire, jeweller, bronze-monger, and carpenter. What can I do for you?”

“We’d like a gift for a lady.”

“Och, I can do you something very nice in silver filigree-”

“No, we need something that Aragorn could plausibly have made.”

“Aragorn? King of Mycenae?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

“How about a toast rack?”

“No. Tried that. Oh, here he is now.”

Aragorn was wandering about, looking confused. “Gimli? What are you doing here?”

“I hear you need a gift for a lady. Finally managed to dump Arwen then?”

“No, the gift is for Arwen.”

“Oh, um, sorry.” Gimli looked at the ground awkwardly. “What do you think she’d like?”

“She likes horses.”

“I’m not good enough with leather to make a saddle.”

“I thought you could make a horse.” There was a pause as Gimli looked at him like he’d gone insane. “A decorative one.”

“Oh, right. How big?”

“I thought horse sized.”

“Are you sure she wants something that big?”

“She was always very emphatic about size being important.”

“Alright. A decorative horse it is then. I will need supplies of timber, and I need to work in private so my craft secrets may not be revealed.”

Gimli worked in secret on his project. Well, mainly in secret. Frodo and the crocodile managed to get in there somehow and no-one could work out a way of getting either of them out again. Fortunately, Frodo was now so insane that the crocodile was afraid of him, so it didn’t get messy. Wily Odysseus used all his skills and cunning to get into the workshop, and found to his disappointment that Gimli was neither spying on them, nor embezzling materials. He stuck around for a bit, but then found that watching someone use a lathe is really very dull, so went away again.

Aragorn had been set up to work on bits of wood in sight of the city, so Arwen would believe that the finished horse was his.

A face appeared at the battlements once more. “Aragorn! What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m making a present for you, dear.”

“What is it?”

“You’ll have to wait till it’s finished.”

“Yes, but when it’s finished will I be able to work out what it is?” There was a pause. “It’s not another toast rack is it?”

“No, dear.”


Gimli had summoned Aragorn to go into the more complex aspects of the horse, so if questioned he could actually answer.

“See here? There’s a wee trapdoor in the belly, opening inwards, so you can fill it with flowers and sweet things for her.”

“Why inwards? That’s silly.”

“It’s harder to do, so it’ll look better.”

Aragorn tried to open the door.

“It’s stuck.”

“No it’s not, give it here.” Gimli put his shoulder to the door. “Damn, must have got the timber damp. Bloody crocodile. We’ll have to sand it down and pretend we never intended for there to be a door. You can put the flowers and things on top.”

The horse was duly wheeled out and left in front of the city. It was bedecked and garlanded with flowers, and had on its back a veritable mountain of sweetmeats.

Arwen peered over the battlements suspiciously. She was joined by Cassandra, her sister-in-law.

“Oh, that is nice. Flowers. My brother’s never given you flowers, has he?” The final part of this was said slightly louder, and aimed back at where Paris was standing. He looked panicked and started to search for anything growing.

“No, he hasn’t. But then if Aragorn’s given me flowers it’s because someone else has told him to.”

Paris dashed up the steps to the battlements, carrying the nearest piece of foliage.

“Oh, how lovely. A withered olive branch. Because that really competes with a mountain of flowers.”

“Ummm, like, sorry?”

“Sorry! I’ll give you sorry! I’ll make you sorry that you ever spent more time on that bloody chariot than you spent on me, and I’ll-”

Arwen stopped abruptly, realising that the people encamped outside were listening intently.

“Aragorn wouldn’t spend more time on his chariot than on you.” supplied Odysseus.

“You keep out of this, goat boy.”

“Arwen? Doesn’t the time I’ve spent here, and all the time and effort I’ve put into this show that I want you back? Come home, love. Please?”

There was a slight pause from the battlements. “Someone bring the horse in. Aragorn? I’m thinking about it.”

Paris appeared on the battlements. “Aragorn! You think you can like, come in here and like, like, charm my wife back! Well, you’re wrong. Like, totally wrong. Take that!”

Paris chucked a rock ineffectively in the direction of Aragorn. Achilles was looking the other way and got hit.

“Aaaah, owowow! My heel! Oh, that really hurts.” He started hopping round in circles.

“It wasn’t that big a rock.”

“No, but it hit the bone! It’s like bashing your elbow. Ow.”

“Go and put you foot up then.”

Achilles limped off, muttering about never being able to fight again.


Inside the horse, Frodo blearily came to wakefulness. He was being jolted about the place and he could hear voices.

“Let’s put it in the great hall, it’ll make a nice centrepiece.”

“Oh, you don’t want it in there. It’s all out of scale.”

“Cassandra, you know nothing about decoration.”

“You mark my words, Arwen, no good will come of this horse. It blocks all the sightlines.”

The voices went away again. Frodo wondered how he’d got in here. Then he wondered how he was going to get out. If he’d been of a sound mind he’d have panicked, but as it was he decided it was time for another nap.

He was woken later by the sounds of feasting and revelry. He tried to get out again, but couldn’t and the sounds of his gibbering weren’t loud enough to be heard over the background noise.

Then everything was quiet again. A survival instinct emerged, and Frodo, after several tries, managed to work out that the trapdoor opened inwards, and let himself out. His first thought on freedom was an entirely logical, ‘where is the privy?’. He found the privy; the crocodile currently occupying it gave him a terrified look and slid away quickly. Calls of nature attended to, he began to wander about the place, gibbering very quietly.

Then he came upon an altar. With flames. He looked at the flames. They looked at him. Frodo’s eyes widened, and the gibbering became more of a keening.

“It sees meeeeee, precioussssssssssss...”


“Aragorn! Aragorn! Wake up, Frodo’s gone and Troy burns!” Aragorn attempted to focus on Sam. “Well, more Troy’s burnt, there isn’t much left of it now.”

This snapped Aragorn into full wakefulness. “What? Where’s Arwen?”

“I don’t know, but there’s lots of charred people hanging about, and Gandalf’s trying to sell them our breakfast.”

“I’ll look for Arwen, and if I find Frodo I’ll tell you, and if you find Arwen when you’re looking for Frodo then get a message to me, right?”

Sam nodded and ran off.

Aragorn leapt out of bed and began to search for Arwen.

Odysseus came up to him, “no, I haven’t seen Arwen, but you’d better put some clothes on. Gandalf’s priestesses are pointing and giggling.”


Aragorn turned and smiled. “You alive!”

“And you’re making people stare. Go and get a loincloth on.”

“Does this mean you’re coming home?”

“Since living with you is better than living in a smoking ruin, yes.”

“Oh, good.”


Gandalf stood on a rock looking slightly singed and dishevelled and pulling a ‘mad prophet with weird staring eyes’ face.

“You have brought the wrath of Zeus upon your heads! See! He has burned your city to the ground in his anger!” A crowd began to gather around his feet as when you are surrounded by nothing but ruins, watching a priest foam at the mouth is considered a high form of entertainment. “The wrath of Zeus must be assuaged! And do you know how to assuage his wrath?”

The audience, not entirely sure what assuaged meant, shook their heads.

“Then I shall tell you how, ladies and gentlemen! By purchasing items from my wide range of Zeus-propitiation gifts!”

Semi-naked priestesses appeared from behind the rock carrying different items of god-related tack.

“And here we have the lovely Penelope, with a three span high statue of the god himself, complete with thunderbolt. And for those of you on a tighter budget, Arsinoe is carrying a range of small portable thunderbolts...”


Sam was circling the ruined city, calling out Frodo’s name, when a blacked figure emerged from a side door, carrying another smaller blackened figure.

“Umm, I’m looking for a small insane man...”

“Oh, like this one?” Frodo’s unconscious features were shown to Sam, who nodded. “He’s ok, had to knock him out to get him out of the city. Kept going on about eyes.”

“That’s him alright. Sorry, I’m being terribly rude, I’m Samwise, priest’s assistant. And you’re carrying Frodo, he’s the priest.”

“I’m Cassandra. Don’t know what I’m going to do now though.”

“Me neither. Frodo’s not going to be well enough to work for a good while.”

Then there was the bright light, clear noises and clean aroma of a godly manifestation. A voice spoke from the light.

“You shall take what is at your feet, and travel until the people do not know what it is, and question you about it. There you shall build a temple to me.”

“It would be helpful to know who ‘me’ is.”

“Oh, I am sorry. Athena, and could you make it to my wisdom aspect? It gets rather neglected.”

Cassandra and Sam looked at their feet. “Rocks? We’ve got to travel to where people don’t recognise rocks?”

“No, the thing over there.”

They looked at Aragorn’s creation.

“What is that exactly?”

“It’s a toast rack.”

“Well, at least we won’t have far to go then.”



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The Mince Pies
Notes, apologies and whatnot: It might have taken us a while, but we've managed to get it finished in plenty of time for Christmas. It turns out that we've got these things called 'deadlines', so we've been a bit busy. And we know that we've simplified what we've said about which groups of Elves certain charaters belong to, but if we'd explained it properly we'd be here all night.
18th October
“Calling to order the Official Christmas Meeting.”
The Fellowship were sat round the kitchen table. Christmas (as a celebration of eating and drinking far too much, rather than anything religious) was very important to the hobbits, and as such was worth planning. The Christmas cakes had already been made in July, and Gimli had devised a drip feeder to force vast amounts of brandy into the cake.
“Merry, Pippin, is the mince pie production line ready for operation?”
“All ready. We propose a twenty percent increase in mince pie production on last year, to take into account both natural wastage in the production process-”
“Which would be you eating them-”
“-and the fact that we are expecting more visitors.”
“Yes, I am reminding everyone that we are expecting Thranduil, Boromir, Radagast and possibly the Twins.”
“The Twins?”
“The message on the answering machine went along the lines of ‘like dude, we’re like in France beep beep beep dude it needs more money beep beep beep like, where would you put the money beep beep beep I’m pressing all the buttons beep beep beep beep beep please hold the line beep yeah, like, the thing with the turkey beep beep beep we’re like - no dad, we’re not using the phone.’ Which could either mean they’re coming for Christmas, or they’ve got a turkey for a pet.”
“Where’s everyone going to sleep?”
“Thranduil gets Legolas’ room. Legolas, and possibly the Twins, go in a tent in the back garden. Radagast goes in with Gandalf. Boromir goes in with Aragorn, as long as they both promise to wear those anti-snoring strips.”
“So Boromir’s going to be incarnate?”
“Apparently the Valar have decided on joint custody.”
“Oh, great. So now we have to buy presents for someone who’s going back to the afterlife in a few weeks.”
“Just get something we can all use.”
“Christmas puddings and cakes are made, the freezer is being filled. You will all be issued with further orders closer to December. Any other matters arising?”
“Yes. Just because there is a water shortage it doesn’t mean that certain members of this fellowship can stop washing and insist that they will only drink imported beer.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1st December
Merry and Pippin woke up and were instantly disappointed by the lack of snow. They tried a couple of verses of ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’ to try and encourage the weather to co-operate with their Christmassy mood, but all this achieved was abuse from the rest of the house. So they went downstairs to look for their advent calendar.
Frodo had excelled himself this year. The calendar occupied a whole wall in the hallway.
“Now, there’s only one chocolate in each day, so you’re going to have to share.” yelled Frodo from the kitchen.
“It’s a 200g bar of chocolate in each one. It’s not that much of a hardship!”
Merry let Pippin, as the younger, open the door.
“And today’s picture is - Zoe, 23, from Coventry, who is a vetinary nurse.”
“Wow. Thanks Frodo!”
Frodo smiled, in the knowledge of a job well done. Every day up to Christmas Merry and Pippin would find a different topless Page Three girl in their advent calendar.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
23rd December
The Fellowship were sitting around in tidy clothes in the living room looking respectable. They were in ‘waiting for visitors’ mode. Or at least, most of them were sitting around looking respectable, Legolas on the other hand, was rushing around the house in full Elven dress clothing trying to see to any last minute tasks that Thranduil might notice that they hadn’t done.
“Legolas, I’m sure you’ve put enough oil on those bows. And do you really need both of them?”
“I don’t know, I mean maybe I need the Mirkwood bow, or maybe I need the Lothlorien bow... he might have given the Mirkwood bow to me because I’m sure I remember getting it as a begetting present from someone, but it might have been mum, and if I got it from mum I can’t let him think that I like it, but then what if he’s fallenoutwithGaladrielandIusetheLothlorienbowand-”
Aragorn looked at him sternly. “Pick one.”
“Which one?”
“Just close your eyes and pick one.”
Legolas closed his eyes and reached out for the Mirkwood bow, but his hands slipped on the amount of oil on it and it fell on to the floor and rolled under the coffee table, so Aragorn handed him the Lothlorien bow.
“You’ve got fingerprints all over it!”
“No I haven’t, it’s dripping with oil, which you should possibly wipe off it you want to have any chance of shooting anything with it ever again. And pick the other one up before Frodo complains about what it’s doing to the carpet, he only had it shampooed last week.”
Frodo came through from the kitchen, carrying an assortment of mince pies and other christmassy snack foods arranged tastefully on the best plates. “What time are we expecting everyone?”
“Thranduil said he’d be here at eight, so he’ll be here in about half an hour complaining about the trains, the nursing home said they’d bring Radagast whenever they could be bothered and Boromir should be manifesting at about nineish.”
“I’ll put the kettle on then.”
There was a squeal of brakes in the street outside, some loud swearing and the noise of the nursing home van’s engine as it sped off into the distance. Radagast barged into the house, breaking the door chain and set the deckchair he was carrying next to Gandalf’s armchair.
“Aiwendil! What have you done with your pets?”
Radagast opened his cloak and several hairy creatures emerged. “I’ve got a few more now. And look what else I’ve got.” Radagast produced a three litre bottle of surgical spirit.
“That’s us sorted for the next few hours.”
Gandalf and Radagast performed a complicated handshake at high speed.
Frodo was looking at the pets. “I would really rather appreciate it if they didn’t live in the house. Animal hair is so difficult to get off the furniture.”
“They’re like family to me.”
“I Would Really Rather Appreciate It If They Didn’t Live In The House.”
“Please don’t set him off before Christmas. We’ll never manage without him.”
Radagast looked at the faintly crazed look in Frodo’s eyes and backed down. “If they could just stay in the porch...?”
“As long as you clear out the litter tray.”
Everyone let out a sigh of relief.
“Legolas, would you please stop jiggling your leg?”
“Am I...? Oh.”
“Why don’t you just calm down, have a cup of tea.”
“I’d rather have a cup of valium.”
There was a knock at the door. Legolas gripped the sofa so hard that his knuckles turned white.
“Legolas, do you want to answer the door.”
There was no response.
“Legolas?” Frodo waved a hand in front of Legolas’ face. “It’ll make a good impression if you answer the door.
Legolas stood up stiffly and walked to the door as if it were the gallows. Taking a deep breath, he opened it.
“Ay oop, lad. ‘Ere, I thought tha said tha were livin’ somewhere posh.”
“Err... aright, dad.”
“Am I comin’ in, or am I spending Christmas on t’doorstep?”
Legolas stepped aside to let Thranduil into the house. “Why is the hallway papered with pictures of lasses in the buff?”
“It’s an advent calendar... for the Hobbits.”
“Never did hold with things like that. Can’t say I think much of what you’ve done with the sitting room, but needs must; it was either this or spend Christmas with your mother.”
“Hello Thranduil.”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Frodo, I’m a Hobbit, and this is Sam, Merry and Pippin, they’re Hobbits too. And this is Gandalf and Radagast, they’re Istari, and Aragorn.”
“I know him, round our palace all the time, eating all the food and drinking all the wine.”
“I only ever visited once.”
“Really? Legolas, who am I thinking of then? Anyway, at least you’re not still hanging round with that bloody dwarf.”
“Actually, he lives here too, he’s just at work at the moment.”
“Oh.” Somehow, Thranduil managed to express aeons of disapproval in one short syllable.
Legolas tried to change the subject. “So, how’s mum?”
“Still immortal, still bloody annoying. She’s spending Christmas with some cousins of hers who’re even more annoying than she is, I wouldn’t want you to think I’m spending time with humans, hobbits and,” Thranduil took a deep breath, “dwarves out of choice.”
“Mince pie?” Offered Frodo to diffuse the tension.
“What’s it got in it?”
“Well, um, dried fruit and sugar and spices and pastry and brandy...”
“Any bananas? I don’t hold with bananas.”
“No... They don’t normally have bananas in them.”
“That’s alright then.”
Thranduil took a mince pie and chewed on it sullenly.
“I must say I prefer homemade to shop-bought.”
“It is homemade.”
Frodo decided to make another attempt at conversation. “Well, this is pleasant isn’t it?”
“Is it?” asked Merry, who received a kick in the shins for his comment.
“Yes. It is.”
They sat in silence until nine o’clock.
“When are people supposed to be incarnating?”
“Any time now, really.”
They sat in uncomfortable silence for another five minutes. Boromir may have been annoying, but at least he created conversation. Usually it was along the lines of ‘Boromir, put that down, it’s not supposed to do that and you’re just going to electrocute us all’, but it was better than spending the evening looking at the walls.
Eventually a portal opened and sounds of distant fighting emerged from it. After another thirty seconds or so, a hairy man was thrown through it with considerable force. He landed on the floor with a thud and made an obscene gesture towards the portal as it closed.
“Rohan 1, Gondor 0.” He turned round. “Evening everyone. Where do you keep the beer in this century?”
“Eomer? You’re not Boromir.”
“I know, and every time I bump into Elbereth I make sure that I thank her for that.”
“Why are you here instead of Boromir?”
“Well, me and Faramir found out about the joint custody arrangement and since neither of us wanted to spend Christmas with our wives we decided to jump him and fight it out for who gets to come through the portal. But because Boromir and Faramir are brothers and have a lot of experience of fighting each other, they were far more interested in kicking the shit out of each other and I jumped through when they weren’t looking. But more importantly, is there beer? If there’s no beer, I’ll settle for mead, but beer is what these midwinter festivals are all about.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
At 2am the Fellowship awoke to a strange noise and gathered in the kitchen.
“Who the hell drives an ice cream van playing ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ round and round the same streets at 2am in the... oh no... it can’t be...”
“It’s got to be the Twins. Who else could it be?”
“Legolas, go out and flag them down before they wake anybody else up.”
“It’s a bit late for that.”
The Fellowship (with the exception of Frodo, who believed that all guests should be welcomed with food and was thus now frantically making cheese on toast) all gathered in the front garden and waited for the ice cream van to come back.
“Eomer? Shouldn’t you be wearing something more than boxers?”
“It’s cold, for one thing.”
“Not that cold. I don’t see why I have to wear them anyway, I never wore anything in bed in Rohan.”
Pippin turned to Merry. “See? I told you real men don’t wear undies.”
Before an argument could erupt an ice cream van came round the corner slowly. Elladan had one foot on the serving shelf of the van, and was holding on to the ‘Mr Whippy’ sign with one hand and shining a torch at house numbers with the other. He caught sight of the Fellowship and leapt off the van.
He flung his arms around everyone one in turn. “Mirkwood Dude! Big Mirkwood Dude! Little Dudes! Gondor dude! Rohan dude!” There was a slight pause as important information made it’s way through Elladan’s consciousness. He pointed at Eomer suspiciously. “Dead dude?”
“More ‘temporarily incarnate dude’.”
“Oh. Dude.” He hugged Eomer again for good measure. By this point Elrohir had managed to park (or rather abandon diagonally) the van, and went through the same greeting. Thranduil was visibly fuming. They headed towards the house, but the Twins stopped suddenly.
“We forgot something.”
“Oh. Yeah.”
They went back to the van, and retrieved an unconscious figure from halfway into one of the freezers. They put him down on the lawn and shook him a bit.
“Dave? Dave!”
“What?” The figure tried to focus two bloodshot eyes on the Twins.
“We’re, like, here.”
“Where’s here?”
“Where we were going-”
“You, like, said you were going to visit your parents-”
“Who like, live round here.”
“Yeah, yeah. I did. Right. Ok then.”
“Where do they live?”
“Dunno. But if I walk around it’ll come back to me.” With that Dave staggered off into the darkness.
“Are you two sure he’s going to be all right?”
“Why wouldn’t he be?”
“He’s stoned off his face, has no idea where he is, it’s December, the middle of the night and he’s only wearing shorts.”
“He’ll be fine-”
“Like, he always is.”
There was a collective shrug and they filed into the house. The Twins (and incidentally the hobbits, who were never ones to let a late night snacking opportunity go to waste) were plied with mince pies and other festive foods. The hobbits then decided to go to bed, apart from Frodo, who felt that this was a good opportunity to make a start on the next day’s cooking.
“Frodo? You really should go to bed. Really. Look, your masterplan says you have to be up at seven tomorrow and you need your sleep.”
“But I can make headway! And if I get this lot done I might even have time to make the extra four hundred mushroom vol-au-vents that Merry and Pippin want.”
“Four hundred. Now, Tell me how much freezer space, as measured by Gimli yesterday, there is left.”
Frodo mumbled into his shirt. “Four cubic centimetres.”
“And how were you going to get all those vol-au-vents into that space?”
“I was going to rearrange things, and we’ve got to defrost some more stuff now the Twins are here.”
“Frodo, you already spent six hours this week playing freezer Tetris. And anyway how many mushroom vol-au-vents are there in the two chest freezers in the fallout shelter?”
“Three hundred and forty-three.”
“Frodo, just go to bed.”
Frodo gave in and went to bed muttering “I can handle my cooking, I can stop any time I want, really...”
Legolas went back to rejoin the others in the sitting room. The Twins, Aragorn and Eomer were all piled onto one sofa, watching ‘Gladiator’ while nitpicking about fighting techniques and reminiscing. Gandalf and Radagast were playing a magical version of ‘pin the thong on the Playboy centrefold’, though neither had any incentive to win. Legolas joined Thranduil on the other sofa, sitting upright and failing to make any conversation.
After one anecdote had left the other sofa in fits of laughter Eomer looked over at Legolas, “That reminds me - remember the time when we were in Minas Tirith and got completely slaughtered on Elrond’s home brew and persuaded the Captain of the Tower Guard and the Second Marshal of the Mark to get up in drag and stand on a balustrade singing that song about the Maid from Ithilien, you know, the one with the actions.”
Legolas froze.
Eomer looked at him, puzzled. “Come on, you must remember. That was the first time you managed to persuade me that elves weren’t humourless gits.” Eomer looked at Aragorn. “Oh yeah, and you were on the terrace below, with that ambassador from Harad-”
“That was you? I knew someone must have put them up to it. Bastard!”
“It was funny though.”
“Not for me! I had to say that a lot of Gondorian women were butch and hairy.”
“That just makes it funnier. Anyway, you were the one who gave me that set of guest chairs for the Meduseld that made a farting noise any time anyone sat on them.”
The conversation continued along much the same lines, so no-one noticed Thranduil dragging Legolas out of the room by the point of an ear. He dragged him into the larder, turned the light on and shut the door.
“Shurrup son. I never thought I’d live to see a son of mine living with the worst sort of humans, dwarves and-” Thranduil shuddered, “Noldor.”
“They’re not proper Noldor, dad.”
“No, they’re part bloody human and that makes it worse.”
“Just because you’re a bloody speciesist who’s still stuck in the Second Age doesn’t mean you have to make me like that!”
Thranduil cuffed Legolas across the head. “Don’t you dare talk to your dad like that! Didn’t I teach you any bloody manners?”
“No, you just taught me ways of killing giant spiders!”
There was a pause. “I only ever wanted the best for you, lad.”
“Oh, so that’s why you had me out in t’forest killing spiders when I were forty-five!”
“That’s our way son, and it was the same for your brothers and sisters-”
“Which is why I don’t have as many brothers and sisters as I should have!”
“Well, we did learn after the first two. And that’s why you were one of the greatest archers in Middle Earth!”
“It was learn or die.”
“Character building. Made you what you are today.”
“Depressed and selling tea and coffee on the trains?”
“That’s not the point. We brought you up proper. Not like those degenerates in the sitting room.”
“Whose dad owns half of Scotland-”
This earned Legolas another cuff around the ear. “Money isn’t everything, lad. We were poor, but honest.”
“We weren’t either! We were moderately rich underhand bastards!”
“Yeah, but we weren’t Noldor.”
Legolas knew this was an argument that couldn’t be won, so he turned on his heel and stormed out of the larder. This resulted in a crash and large amounts of swearing as he knocked over the Twins, Aragorn and Eomer who had been listening at the door.
“We were, erm, just leaving.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The argument in the larder had resulted in Thranduil storming off to bed, and Legolas sulking in a tree in the back garden. The others had gone back to the sitting room for yet more reminiscing, but were now hungry.
“Like, we need food-”
“We should get out of the house-”
“Because, like, Frodo’s going to kill us if we eat anything out of the fridge-”
“We like, need kebabs.”
“What are kebabs?”
“You don’t know what kebabs are?”
“Like, I bet you don’t know what pizza is either.”
“You need, like, cultural education about the twentieth century-”
“Yeah, and Legolas needs cheering up-”
“Does Mirkwood dude like pizza?”
“He liked it last time-”
“Yeah, but he’ll eat anything after he’s had special lembas.”
“Have you brought any with you?”
“No, like, on the way up-”
“Service stations are like so expensive-”
“And Dave was, like, really hungry-”
“So he ate some of the lembas-”
“Which made him more hungry-”
“So he ate the rest of the lembas-”
“Which made him even more hungry-”
“But only for a bit, because then he passed out.”
“Right. Come on Eomer, I’ll lend you some clothes.”
“Why does he need clothes?”
“Because wandering the streets in only your underwear is not generally acceptable.”
“Oh. Really?”
“Since when?”
“Always, just that people have generally been too polite to tell you two.”
“Oh. Ooops.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Eomer had taken to kebabs like, well, Gandalf to Stolichnaya. He was more suspicious of pizza, involving far too many vegetables for his liking, but had been won over by the festive turkey and stuffing pizza (without the sprouts). They were now taking a long time meandering home, since the nearest all-night kebab shop was a very long way away.
“Legolas, why did you agree to have your dad over for Christmas?”
“I didn’t agree. The old git just wrote and told me he was coming.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry about dropping you in it.”
“S’alright Eomer. It’s not your fault. It’s their fault. He hates Noldor, why did you have to turn up for Christmas?”
“Because mum and dad and grandma threw us out.”
The Twins suddenly looked rather lost. “You wouldn’t want to make us spend Christmas on our own, would you?”
“Since ‘Christmas’ is fairly meaningless to people whose grandma is on first name terms with gods, I don’t see what the problem is.”
“Oh, like, sorry-”
“But, like, the damage is done-”
“So we might as well stay.”
“You’re probably right. It’s not like we don’t have enough food.”
Eomer was worried about Legolas. When he’d known him he was a positive (if a bit aloof, but nothing a large amount of alcohol couldn’t cure), forward looking elf, not this cowed wreck. He flung an arm round Legolas’ shoulder. “We need to boost your morale. Get you back to your old self. Aragorn, any orcs left in these parts?”
“Nope, all gone years ago.”
“What about them?”
Eomer pointed to a group of nylon be-tracksuited drunks staggering along the opposite pavement.
“Nope, not orcs. Actually human, or so I’m assured.”
One of the not-orcs heard this. “What the fuck are you saying about my fucking girlfriend?”
This was a bad idea. If there had been a bar brawling Olympics Rohan would have taken the gold every single year. And since the Rohirric concept of the afterlife basically involved drinking and fighting, Eomer had had thousands of years of practice.
So he was ready with a comeback, “Nothing, only that I’ve seen more attractive horses!”
“Just you fucking come over here and say that!”
By this point the Twins were muttering under their breath ‘fightfightfightfightfight’, and Legolas and Aragorn were debating whether to call the ambulance now or wait until someone was actually bleeding in the gutter.
“No, why don’t you come over here - oh, wait, men with small dicks can’t balance properly. Just you take your time, I’ll wait right here.”
“I’ll fucking have you!”
“So, you’re a poof as well, ah that explains it, your girlfriend’s a man.”
The tracksuited man made an incoherent noise and launched himself at Eomer, who waited patiently until he was within range before throwing a punch that knocked the man half way across the road.
“You just going to lie there?”
The next few minutes were a little confused. One of the women started screeching at Eomer, who traded insults for a bit. Then she launched herself at him, but he batted her away. Then all hell broke loose, as the entire rest of the group decided to attack Eomer. Aragorn and the Twins retired to a safe distance to observe, and give marks out of ten. After a moment’s reflection on Legolas’ state of mind they rudely shoved him into the middle of the fray.
Legolas found himself in the middle of a large scale fight, where Eomer was just about holding his own. Then a fist went past only millimetres from his nose.
“Not the face.”
That was rather the end for the pub fighters. Legolas was angry and he’d had a bad day. A few moments later they were surrounded only by groaning bodies. Eomer gave Legolas a manly slap on the back. “That’s the elf I know!”
Legolas readjusted his hair. “Are we on cctv?”
They looked round themselves and shook their heads.
“In that case, we do a runner before the police turn up.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
24th December
Those members of the Fellowship in regular employment had gone to work, in the case of Merry and Pippin, in a better mood than normal, since in today’s advent calendar was a Playboy centrefold and a kilogramme of Dairy Milk. After the events of the previous night it was eleven before Eomer crawled out of bed and demanded breakfast, while the Twins had been up for hours ‘communing with nature’, which mainly seemed to consist of playing leapfrog in the back garden. This was cheering up Legolas’ stalkers no end, but their view was slightly obscured by Thranduil, who was sat up a tree muttering about the state of the world.
After Eomer had had breakfast, then had the concept of showering explained to him, then the workings of the shower explained to him, then told that he wasn’t getting any more beer until he had a shower, he was stood in the kitchen trying to be Helpful. Since Eomer knew nothing about cooking that didn’t involve an open fire and a stick he was basically performing the role of ‘stepladder’.
Frodo was in the midst of stuffing a world record sized turkey. To assist in this he had acquired a set of vet’s shoulder length rubber gloves, and was now up to his armpit in turkey, feeling for new gaps to shove sage and onion into. Eomer was hovering in the background, ready to pull Frodo out by the legs if necessary.
At this point the doorbell rang, and Eomer jumped.
“Just the doorbell. Like knocking, but louder. Go and answer it, would you?”
“Don’t you have people to do that?”
“Yes, I’ve got you, go and answer the door.”
Eomer went and opened the door. A woman was stood outside, shaking slightly.
“C- c- c- c- c- Cockroaches.”
She managed to make eye contact with Eomer. “Cockroaches.”
“Are you selling cockroaches?”
Eomer turned round and yelled to the kitchen. “Frodo, there’s a woman at the door trying to sell you cockroaches!”
Frodo paused in stuffing the turkey. “You what?”
“There’s a woman who seems to know you, gibbering about cockroaches.”
“Bring her in here.”
The woman was duly shown into the kitchen.
“Sandra! I’d give you a hug, but I’m covered in giblets. Have a sit down, Eomer, put the kettle on, now, what brings you round here?”
“I think we heard that. Where?”
“Everywhere. Bed. Sink. Bath. Crawling. Skittering.” She tailed off and sat there, shaking.
“Can’t you get someone in to deal with them?”
“Coming on the 27th.”
“Oh, dear. Can’t you go round your mum’s?”
“No. Gone to Australia to see Auntie Susan for Christmas. Didn’t want to go because Australia's full of creepy-crawlies. Now my flat’s full of creepy-crawlies.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be very welcome here, Sam and I will move into Merry and Pippin’s room, and you can have ours.”
“Don’t want to cause any trouble-”
“I’m not having you spending Christmas with cockroaches. Now, if you’ve only got that handbag you won’t have any clothes, so you’ll have to go out and buy some. Eomer, will you take her out shopping?”
Eomer did a passable impersonation of a deer in car headlights. Frodo, having finished stuffing the turkey, removed the gloves with a flourish. “I’ll just have a quick word with Eomer here, and then you should be heading off so you’ve got a reasonable time to shop.”
Frodo dragged Eomer into the sitting room, where he explained decimal currency, buses, modern etiquette, the concept of lingerie (which simultaneously confused and intrigued Eomer), and the nightmare that is shopping on Christmas Eve.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Out in the back garden the Twins had decided that Thranduil needed cheering up, and were doing impersonations.
“Look, look, Thranduil, this is Galadriel-”
They both tried to look regal and ethereal, by looking up and waving their arms about like string puppets.
“And, and, this is Elrond-”
They both folded their arms and tried to look very grumpy.
“And this is Haldir-”
They ponced about a bit looking smug.
“And this is the Witch King of Angmar-”
They both pulled their shirts over their head and hissed ‘eeeeevil, eeevil’. Then one straightened up. “Dude! Like, Frodo!”
“Ooops. Right, right, we need better impersonations. Do your Julius Caesar, go on.”
“Ok then.” Elrohir cleared his throat, and stood up in stentorian mode. “Veni, Vidi, Vici! Veni, Vidi, Vici! Ner-ner-ner-ner-ner, I rule Rome! Noooooo, Brutus! Erk!” With this he dropped onto the ground and writhed in unconvincing agony for a few moments.
“Dude, he doesn’t look cheered up.”
“But, like my Caesar impression cheers everyone up.”
“Thranduil-dude? Like, what wrong?”
“What’s wrong? You pair of inbred, ill-bred, uneducated, part human Noldor bastards are asking me what’s wrong?”
“Yeah, that’s what we’re asking.”
“If you have to ask it’s not worth telling!”
“Dude, you so sound like mum. And Arwen.”
“Like, do you think he’s got PMT?”
“We could, like bring you cake, or like mince pies.”
“Bugger off.”
“No! Like, you’re a fellow elf in distress, we can’t leave you.”
“I won’t stop being in distress until you go away.”
Thranduil stayed silent. Then a window opened and one of Legolas’ stalkers leaned out. “Look, he just doesn’t like you. Really. I mean, read that body language. All confrontation.”
The Twins turned back to Thranduil. “You don’t like us?”
“No, I bloody well do not!”
“Cos, like we did impersonations and offered to bring you cake.”
“Why? Why? Did your father never teach you anything about family history?”
“Well, yeah, but we weren’t paying attention.”
“Noldor and Sindar do not get on. End of story.”
The Twins turned back to the stalkers’ house. “Scuse me?”
The window was opened once more and a head was struck out. “Yes?”
“What’s he talking about?”
“Sounds like a family feud to me. Takes ages to get over them. Two of our cousins aren’t speaking because of a broken lasagne dish five years ago. Best let him sort it out by himself.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Eomer, Sandra, Merry and Pippin arrived home together. Frodo was surprised at how chipper Eomer looked, and dragged him to one side.
“How did it go? Are you alright?”
“Fine.” Eomer caught Frodo’s disbelieving expression. “Look, if you’re talking about clothes to a woman everything she wears looks lovely. It’s not that difficult. But I must admit that some of that lingerie stuff looks dangerous.”
Thranduil had deigned to come into the house to see what the commotion was about. He took one look at Sandra, muttered ‘bloody humans’ and skulked back into the garden.
“Did he just say ‘bloody humans’?”
“No, erm, bloody women. Doesn’t like them, sorry, he’s Legolas’ dad, we didn’t invite him, he just turned up.”
“He looks a bit young to be his dad...”
“His family all age well. Mince pie?”
Sandra took a mince pie. “Am I going to be the only woman here?”
“Oh... erm, I mean, is everyone else here, erm, you know, I don’t like to pry, and it’s not like I mind, but...”
“Oh, no, not like that at all. Thranduil, Eomer and Aragorn are all here because they can’t stand the thought of spending Christmas with their wives. Sam’s wife died, but that was a long time ago now, and Merry and Pippin are divorced.”
“Repeatedly” added Merry.
“Yes, and I don’t know if Gandalf’s ever been married-”
“There was that time in Vegas-”
“Oh, yes, but he got that annulled as soon as he sobered up. She was a female Elvis impersonator, if I remember rightly. Legolas doesn’t really see the point in relationships. Oh, and there’s Gimli, you haven’t met him yet, he’s a bit of a dark horse.”
“What about the twins playing leapfrog in the hall?”
“Well, I’ve always assumed that they never sobered up enough to really be sure about things like gender.”
“Dude, are you talking about us?”
“No, the other twins playing leapfrog in the hall.”
“Oh, okay.” There was a pause. “Heeeeey!”
“We were asking which team you batted for.”
The Twins looked blank.
“Which way you swung?”
“Both ways-”
“Like, cos when you’re on a swing, it has to go both ways-”
“It doesn’t work otherwise.”
“No, no, we were asking about your sexual orientation.”
Both the Twins looked horrified. “It has to be orientated?”
“Like, do you need special equipment?”
“Never mind. Didn’t you say you wanted to go out carol singing?”
“Yeah! Like, we so need petrol money. We’ve been running the van off some oil this nice Chinese restaurant gave us for the last hundred miles and it smells funny.”
“Makes you want to eat wan-tons all the time.”
“Why don’t you take Merry and Pippin with you? Get them out of the house.”
“It’s cold outside and there’s food in here, don’t want to go.”
“You need the fresh air.”
“We’ve just had all the fresh air between here and the bus stop.”
“You won’t leave the house all tomorrow, and you’re all good singers and might make some money.”
This incentive was finally enough to get them to leave the house, though Frodo had to persuade the Twins to put some more clothes on, since wandering round in surfing shorts and hawaiian shirts was a little conspicuous in the middle of december.
Aragorn, Legolas and Sam arrived home just as the Twins were leaving, and just in time for the ‘Weakest Link’ Christmas special. Gimli woke up early, to try and get his body clock in synch for being awake on Christmas day.
Just before dinner the carol singers arrived back home.
“Dude, that was like, so cool!”
“Yeah! Like, we were great! Really great!”
Legolas was sorting through the understairs cupboard, in search of apocryphal lost Christmas presents, and only giving the Twins partial attention. “Really? What did you sing?”
“We’ll sing it for you.”
The Twins linked arms and began to sing, swaying in time to the music. Every harmony was perfect, every crescendo approached with gusto. After they were two words in Legolas put down what he was working on and looked at them with increasing confusion. They finished and looked expectant.
“What do you think?”
“That’s not a christmas carol. That’s the anthem of the Soviet Union.”
“But everyone we sang it to gave us money and told us how good our singing was.”
“Because most people round here don’t speak Russian. But you do.”
“It’s Christmassy!”
“Since when were lyrics about the triumph of Communism and Lenin Christmassy?”
“When we were in Moscow at Christmas they sang it.”
“And when would that have been?”
“Yes. So they just happened to be singing the national anthem.”
“We did sing something else.”
“Go on.”
The Twins sang again.
“You know, I really didn’t think that people would put the time and effort into translating ‘I’ve got a brand new combine harvester’ into Latin.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Later that evening Frodo and Sam were moving their things into Merry and Pippin’s room. This was after Frodo had managed to co-opt Eomer and Aragorn into battling the most fearsome laundry and crockery piles, and fighting them into specially reinforced bio-hazard bags. The room had then been hoovered and filled with air freshener. Then there was the question of the camp bed.
“Look, if you take the camp bed I have to share a bed with Aragorn.”
“Yes, but if you don’t give me the camp bed I have to sleep on this floor.” Frodo lifted his foot from the floor as demonstration. The carpet took about five seconds to gradually peel off the sole of his foot.
Eomer sighed. “You win. But if he kicks me in his sleep I will come through here and kick you.”
As Eomer and Aragorn closed the door behind them Sam noticed the list pinned to the back of it.
“Things Thranduil Doesn’t Hold With.”
They looked at Merry and Pippin. “Well, he doesn’t hold with such a lot of things we thought we’d better keep a list. Might come in useful.”
Sam read the list out. “Bananas. Advent calendars. Dwarves. Humans (especially Rohirrim). Noldor (especially the Twins). The word ‘procrastination’. Istari. Channel 5. The way Legolas plaits his hair. Marmalade. Elastoplast. UPVC windows. The word ‘flange’. Shop-bought mince pies. Home-made mince pies. Tinsel. Dwarves. - you’ve got dwarves in twice.”
“Because he really, really doesn’t hold with them.”
Sam continued. “Smoked salmon mousse. TV remote controls. Hobbits.”
“Hands up for moving before next Christmas and not telling Thranduil where we’ve gone?”
All the hobbits put their hands up.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
T’was the Night Before Christmas...
“What the hell was that?”
“I thought it was one of those modern noises.”
“No, no, definitely not. Modern noises tend to be mechanical. Not yodelling.”
“Well, go and find out what it is then.”
“Why me?”
“You live here, I don’t.”
“But this is my bed, so you can go and look.”
“Whatever it was just did it again. All the more reason for you to go and find out.”
“Why don’t we both go?”
“And lose all the bed-warmth? No, I’ll stay here and keep the duvet warm.”
“I thought you said you didn’t feel the cold?”
“I don’t, but there’s no sense in you coming back to a cold bed after getting up. You’ll catch your death.”
“But you’re already dead, so you don’t need to be warm. Cold is your natural state.”
“So’s being maggot-infested and you don’t see me inviting any of them to bed.”
“We need a compromise. We’ve done diplomatic negotiations, we can figure this out.”
“Ok, you get up and I won’t hit you. It’s still bloody yodelling.”
“No, more complex diplomacy.”
“Sword, rock, parchment?”
“Well, I was going to suggest scissors, paper stone, but we’ll do it your way.”
There was some confused movement.
“How about we do that again with the light on?”
Aragorn got up to turn on the light. Eomer grabbed the rest of the duvet and wrapped himself in it, like an overfed caterpillar.
“Since you’re up...”
Aragorn went over to the window and opened the curtains. Now he was here the noise seemed to be coming from the roof. He opened the window, leaned out and looked up.
One of the Twins’ heads appeared upside down over the guttering, causing Aragorn to jump and knock his head on the windowsill.
“Ooooh, sounded painful.” The Twins vaulted in through the window.
It was at this point, with Aragorn still half out the window, the Twins half in, and Eomer dragging the duvet over to help, that Sandra and the hobbits came in.
“We heard yodelling.”
“Like, we were on the roof waiting for present-dude-”
“And we were bored, so we yodelled-”
“And we heard a noise, and saw Estel-”
“And he, like, hit his head-”
“So we came through the window to help.”
“Who’s Estelle?”
“Oh, like, that’s what Aragorn was called when he was little.”
“His parents called him Estelle?”
“No, like, our dad called him Estel.”
“Your dad? What?”
“Erm, he was fostered when he was younger, and Estel means something different where the Twins come from.”
“Where do they come from?”
“Like, this valley with trees and rocks and waterfalls and Glorfindel and flowers and plants and dad and-”
“Right, thank you.” Sandra turned to Frodo. “I don’t want to know what glorfindel is, do I?”
“Don’t worry, he’s a person.”
Legolas came in through the window.
“Do none of you use doors?”
“It was locked. The drainpipe was easier. What’s going on?”
“Like, you all have to go to bed-”
“Present-dude won’t come when you’re awake.”
There were wary looks between the rest of them. It was Sandra who broke the silence. “Aren’t you a bit old for this?”
“Like, present-dude has never disappointed us before-”
“We, like had to get used to presents coming on different days-”
“But there are always presents.”
“So, like, we want to meet this guy!”
“He must be so cool.”
“You still believe in Father Christmas?”
“Well, like, he’s got lots of different names-”
“So, if we meet him, we can ask him what his real one is-”
“So we can address his letters properly.”
Sandra took a deep breath. She looked at the others in the room, who nodded.
“Elladan. Elrohir. I hate to be the one who has to break this to you-”
Frodo grabbed Sandra’s arm. “Actually, no, look at them.” The Twins were staring unfocusedly at a lampshade and a bookcase respectively. “Could you do that to them? It’d be like kicking a puppy.”
“What’s she going to do?”
“Dude, I think she wants to kick us.”
Both the Twins tried to hide behind Aragorn. Orcs they could deal with, but they knew from experience with Arwen that girls fought much dirtier than orcs. And that kicking could be very painful.
“Erm, ok, right, I hate to be the one that breaks this to you but Father Christmas won’t come unless you’re really asleep and not pretending.”
“Oh. So no yodelling?”
“No yodelling. Sleeping.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
25th December
As per usual, the hobbits managed to wake everyone up at about four thirty in the morning. Merry and Pippin had special glam-rock pyjamas with which to start the morning by doing Slade impersonations in the hall (just in case anyone managed to stay asleep). Everyone managed to get up, and were immediately plied with bacon rolls by Frodo (keep the strength up for present unwrapping). As soon as the presents were unwrapped (which we won’t bore you with, since most of those present were people who ran out of present ideas quicker than new things could be invented) everyone disappeared to put on their Christmas clothes.
This was fine with everyone except Eomer and Aragorn, who had been given England rugby shirts. Normally this would have been a well received present, were it not for the unfortunate redesign. They were skin tight, and incredibly revealing. Both of them were very uncomfortable, and had a strong feeling that the phrases ‘rugby shirt’ and ‘visible nipples’ should not be associated.
Thranduil had retreated into a silent disapproval of everyone and everything around him, which suited everyone else, since they could just ignore him. It probably suited Thranduil as well, because, as far as they could tell, he liked Not Holding With Things.
After everyone had recovered from Christmas lunch enough to move (about 5pm) there was the air of anticlimax and boredom that always comes on Christmas afternoon. Taking the piss out of how much you could see of Eomer and Aragorn’s post-turkey beer guts only amused for about fifteen minutes.
“Let’s play some party games.”
“Chase my neighbour up the passage!”
“Pippin, do you remember the list of Forbidden Games?”
“Oh, sorry, there was that one, and beggar my neighbour, and postman’s knock, and, and-”
“Scavenger hunt, because you can’t tell the difference between scavenging and theft. And murder in the dark.”
“How about British Bulldogs?”
“No. Let’s see if we can make this two Christmases in a row where no-one ends up in casualty, shall we?”
“No. Pippin Rules Tig is more dangerous than British Bulldogs.”
“Charades then?”
“Yes, on the proviso that you use no porn titles.”
“But I had a really good one worked out for ‘Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill!’.”
“We’ll go first! We’ve got a good one!” The Twins were bouncing up and down.
They started miming.
“It’s a book-”
“Lots of books-”
“And- and- a scroll?”
The Twins nodded.
“Nine words. In what language is this nine words?”
“Like, English. We’re not that mean.”
They continued to mime.
“Fourth word-”
“Lower back pain?”
The Twins made encouraging gestures.
“War? So it’s got war in the title.”
“Like, I think it would be easier if we mimed the subject matter.”
“Isn’t that what you were doing?”
They continued miming, including using props, furniture people and interesting acrobatics. Eventually light dawned on Legolas.
“Are you trying to mime ‘A History of the War Between Athens and Sparta’?”
“Dude, it must have been your Thucydides impersonation.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Meanwhile, in the Halls of Mandos...
“Why are we doing this again? I think our mere presence here has come down quite firmly on one side of the religion question.”
“Because, dear,” the word was used as a weapon, “in Rohan we always remembered Midwinter festivals. And wedding anniversaries.”
Faramir cowered away from Eowyn.
“I think what my brother was trying to say was, why today, because we don’t have much in the way of time or weather.”
Eowyn looked at Boromir. “Oh, I’m sorry, is it wrong to want to do something nice with your family for once? Oh, I remember, not in your family, your idea of a good family get together involves homicide. I know, you get your father, I’ll get some firelighters and we’ll have a good old fashioned Gondorian family get together!”
“Look, he wasn’t himself, driven out of his mind by a very evil Evil. And he’s apologised.”
“Only because you made him! If you think I’m going to forgive someone who nearly chargrilled my husband, then you have another thing coming!”
Faramir tried to be placatory. “Look, let’s not mention father, shall we? We just avoid each other now. And anyway, we’re non-corporeal and so not flammable.”
“Are those new tapestries?”
They all turned to look at Lothiriel. “No.”
“Oh. When’s my husband coming back?”
“Since he’s incarnated somewhere where there at least twenty types of beer he’s never tried before, who knows?”
“That’s good, I can get my embroidery done then.”
They ate in silence for a bit. Boromir turned to Faramir. “Tell us a story.”
“Look, you know all the old ones backwards.”
“You were in the middle of a new saga, and you stopped just at an exciting bit.”
“Oh, so I was. Right. Lord Vader stepped towards Luke Skywalker, and....”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The evening everyone was watching the tv and being fed a combination of turkey sandwiches and mushroom vol-au-vents. Or in the case of Pippin, turkey, mushroom vol-au-vent and ketchup sandwiches.
Then there was that terrible moment, dreaded everywhere at Christmas...
“Let’s all play Trivial Pursuit!”
“In teams! I’m not playing on my own.”
“There aren’t enough pieces anyway.” Frodo had got the box out and was starting to set it up. “Right, I’m assuming the normal teams; me and Sam, Merry and Pippin; Legolas and Gimli; I suppose Radagast and Gandalf, you can play together, but not cheating!”
“Us? Cheat?”
“Would we do such a thing?”
“Yes, repeatedly. Anyway, the Twins can be a team, so can Aragorn and Eomer. That’s six, and we’ve only got six pieces-”
“I’ll be on your team, Frodo.” said Sandra, possibly a bit too quickly.
“So what team do you want to be on, Thranduil?”
Thranduil was seething again. “You’re rather implying I’d be happy to be on a team with any of these... things. I never thought I’d see my son taking the side of a dwarf against his father!”
“Right, you take that back right now!” Thranduil had been getting up Sandra’s nose since she’d first met him, and this was the final straw. “How dare you speak like that! None of us can help how we’re made, and quite frankly I’d rather be him than you!”
“At the point that I’d ever take advice from a woman-”
Thranduil was cut off by a stinging slap across the face from Sandra. He sat there, completely shocked. then he pulled himself together.
“Right son. You’re disowned. I’m leaving now, get my suitcase from upstairs.”
“There’s no trains till the 27th, dad.”
“Oh. Right. Well then. You’re still disowned, but I can’t leave.”
“How many times is this that you’ve disowned me now? Seven? Eight?”
The circular argument continued as Sandra went to talk to Gimli.
“Are you alright?”
“Och, I’m fine. Seems I only get talked to to be insulted.”
“Oh, I know the feeling. Why do you put up with it?”
“Deep down, they’re all good people. Apart from Gandalf.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
26th December
The paper had been cleared up, the turkey fricasseed, the sprouts hurled into the dustbin and everyone was bored again. Frodo strode into the living room, determination written across his face. Outside, the temperature dropped by three degrees and the wind picked up.
“We are going for a walk.”
“Oh, no we’re not.”
“It’s Boxing Day, you’ve all eaten far too much, you haven’t been outside in over twenty-four hours, so you’re all going for a walk.”
“We’ve got things to do.”
“Such as?”
“Well, Pippin and I were thinking of Power Napping. It sounds interesting.”
“Walk, then nap.”
“But it’s all concrete and-”
“We’re going to the park, Aragorn.”
“We should go riding instead.”
“No, walking. No horses, ok? Right, everyone, wrap up warm, don't forget hats, scarves and gloves, and be at the front door in five minutes. And that includes you two.”
Gandalf and Radagast looked utterly shocked. They both rather assumed they were operating under diplomatic immunity.
“We are elderly wiz-”
“Bollocks. Up and out!”
After much cajoling, threats and abuse they were all eventually lined up outside the house. Gandalf was in his wheelchair, and Radagast was busily harnessing his various pets to the front of the chair.
“What are you doing?”
“Boxing Day Hunt. Traditional. Tally ho!”
“It’s not traditional in a wheelchair in suburbia.”
“Most foxes are now suburban.”
“I thought you liked animals?”
“I do.”
“Then why are you going to chase down and rip apart a fox?”
“Rip apart?” Radagast looked horrorstruck. “No! It’s been lonely since Basil died, and my neck’s cold. I need a new fox to keep my neck warm. I take very good care of them.”
“Oh. Erm, that’s nice for you.”
Radagast climbed onto the back of the wheelchair and pulled out a hunting horn. He blew a call, yelled “View Halloa!” cracked his whip and they were off.
“How long do you give them before they’re arrested?”
“An hour, tops.”
They started walking. After about ten feet Merry and Pippin managed to persuade the Twins to carry them. They finally managed to make their way to the park.
“Why are you throwing bread at the ducks?”
“Because. It’s what we do.”
“Ah, I see, fattening them up for later.”
“No, we just feed them.”
“This century is downright weird.”
Sandra turned to Frodo, after listening to this exchange between Eomer and Aragorn. “What is he on about?”
Frodo sighed. “Look, I come clean. We’re all immortal, we’re all at least six thousand years old, only Aragorn and Eomer are even human, and up until a couple of days ago Eomer was dead, he’s just visiting for Christmas from the afterlife.”
Sandra paused, then laughed. “That’s dead good, you should do stand-up, you know. But I think the not human bit’s going a bit over the top. Oh, yeah, and why are Legolas and his dad talking to trees?”
“They’re not talking to trees. They’re bitching to trees about each other.”
“Ok, why are they bitching to trees?”
Frodo considered the truth, then decided against it. “They’re hippies. Releasing the bad feeling back into nature.” Although Frodo had a feeling that Legolas was hoping to persuade a tree to drop something heavy on Thranduil.
“Ah, that explains it. Is that why they don’t get on, ‘cos Legolas is a corporate sellout?”
“Nah, I think they don’t get on because Thranduil’s a bit of a bastard.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few days later Eomer had been ‘persuaded’ (read: threatened with terrible, horrific tortures of his immortal soul) to return to the Halls of Mandos. He was wandering along past the various halls of his, and other people’s, ancestors, carrying large amounts of beer (or possibly the celestial souls of beer) and humming to himself.
Then he suddenly felt an arrow-point at his neck and a sword point at his groin.
“Welcome back, Eomer.”
“Oh, shit.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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